Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How to reset Configuration Setting in Mikrotik SXT Lite 5 Device?

What is SXT Lite5?
SXT Lite5 is a low price and high transmits power 5GHz open-air (Outdoor) wireless device. It can be utilized as a CPE for point to multipoint installations or point to point links.
How to reset setting?
To reset the setting of the mikrotik SXT Lite 5 you can follow below steps: - (1) First of all remove RJ45 pin from the device.
(2) Then see below image to find reset button to reset it.
(3) Now take a screwdriver and put inside the red circle as directed by the yellow arrow.
(4) After that, insert the RJ45 pin (power should be on), keep screwdriver inside circle during this process.
(5) After 30 Second, you will notice that the device has been set to default config, after a long beep.
(6) Then again, you can log into your device using default settings.
(7) By default, user name for mikrotik is: admin and there is no password.
(8) Done
Note: - It is advised that after the reset you should put a password for device login to protect it from unauthorised login.